"2 for 1 tickets ..." Misleading advertising? [case: Cinesa]
In this post I want to address, with a practical example, misleading advertising. For it, I will discuss a campaign from a company known theaters […;]
In this post I want to address, with a practical example, misleading advertising. For it, I will discuss a campaign from a company known theaters […;]
La comunicación corporativa ha sufrido una enorme transformación desde que a mediados de los años 90 –;y, especially, from 2000- Internet […;]
Last March 14th, a new Regional Event of the European Association of Communications Directors (EACD, @eacdonline) took place in Madrid. The subject to debate was […;]
This past summer, Pilar Guerrero, Spanish entrepreneur resident in the United States, He has enjoyed a "different" vacation in his homeland, a small town […;]
Generar confianza. Ese es uno de los objetivos principales de toda comunicación empresarial. Así de simple y así de difícil. Those who work in the […;]
Hace unos días, un nutrido grupo de colegas -socios de la Asociación Europea de Directores de Comunicación–; We had the opportunity to chat in a relaxed […;]
Establecer planes de comunicación –;and action- segmented and targeted at specific groups according to their degree of influence and impact on an organization is not in […;]
Medir la eficacia de la comunicación empresarial e institucional no es una tarea trivial. Muy al contrario, supone una labor extremadamente compleja, why […;]
“Los profesionales y las empresas en la redes” fue el título de la sesión. Natalia González Valdés (@ngvaldes, directora de comunicación y RSC de L’Oréal) […;]
Tendencuestro and noticuestro The terms trendjacking and newsjacking arising from the fusion of English words with the trend or news hijack verb in […;]
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